Orinoco region of Colombia, photo: Johnnier Arango
Southern White-fringed Antwren
Orinoco region of Colombia, photo: Johnnier Arango
Cherrie's Antwren
Orinoco region of Colombia, photo: Johnnier Arango
Stub-tailed Antbird
Pacific Coast of Colombia, photo: Johnnier Arango
Spotted Antbird
Pacific Coast of Colombia, photo: Johnnier Arango
Spotted Antbird
Pacific Coast of Colombia, photo: Johnnier Arango
Yapacana Antbird
Orinoco region of Colombia, photo: Johnnier Arango
Imeri-warbling Antbird
Amazon region of Colombia, photo: Johnnier Arango
Chestnut-crested Antbird
Amazon region of Colombia, photo: Johnnier Arango
Banded Antbird
Amazon region of Colombia, photo: Johnnier Arango
Magdalena Antbird
Mid-Magdalena region of Colombia, photo: Johnnier Arango
Streak-headed Antbird
Central Andes of Colombia, photo: Johnnier Arango
Bicolored Antbird
Pacific coast of Colombia, photo: Johnnier Arango
Bare-crowned Antbird
Mid-Magdalena region of Colombia, photo: Johnnier Arango
Yapacana Antbird
Orinoco region of Colombia, photo: Johnnier Arango
Endemic Santa Marta Antbird
Santa Marta Mountains of Colombia, photo: Johnnier Arango
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