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Inírida, the jewel of the Colombian Orinoco region

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  • The best birding routes of the country
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7 days
Availability : Late November - Mid March
Bogotá DC
Max People : 8

All our tours are private, with pricing based on the number of participants, tour duration, and specific requests. Private tours are the best way to ensure a customized experience and achieve the best results.

Inírida has become one of the top birding places in Colombia. Strategically located in the confluence of three of the most biodiverse regions of the world, the Amazon, Guianan shield, and the Orinoco region, Inírida is undoubtedly a jewel waiting to be discovered. The diversity of ecosystems is a key point for understanding the immense bird diversity, where the white-sand forests specialists are the stars.

This trip is an adventure through one of the most beautiful and pristine places in Colombia, where native cultures, exquisite food, and stunning birds mixed together for creating an authentic experience.

Tour Details

Welcome to the birdiest country: Colombia!

This tour has been carefully designed for creating a unique experience. Inírida is a place of constant discoveries whit new records added every year to the Colombian list. each day of this tour, it covers a different ecosystem with its subsequent group of special birds. Inírida is above all easy to navigate, each location is conveniently located near the city, which in turn is immersed in the middle of the jungle. 

Departure & Return Location

Bogotá DC. El Dorado international airport.

What's included?

  • Expert birding bilingual tour guide and local guides.
  • Hotel accomodation from day 0 to day 7.
  • 2 domestic flights: Bogotá-Puerto Inirida and flight back or to the next location.
  • Terrestrial transportation: Van/mini bus/4 WD vehicle for terrestrial transportation and motorized boat with cover for river transportation.
  • Entrance fees to parks, farms, reserves, and indigenous communities.
  • 3 complete meals, water, snacks ,and other freebies.

Not included

  • Tips
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Mini bar expenses
  • Laundry and/or room service
  • Other items not mentioned above
What to Expect

Inírida is just in the middle of the jungle or is the jungle itself, so it’s normal to expect warm temperatures, unpredictable rains, and shiny sun. Most birding locations are less than an hour from town, with exception of the Mavicure hills, 1.5 hours. The food is made with many local ingredients, and there is always fresh fish from the Inírida river just outside the town. Inírida is home to several indigenous groups and most of the locations are in indigenous territories, so expect close encounters with many different cultures and languages. 

  • Warm temperatures and some rains even in the dry season.
  • Over 400 especies of birds for your list.
  • White-sand forests and Varzea specialists.
  • Spectacular views over the Inírida river and the Mavicure hills.
  • Comfortable boat rides to almost every location.
  • A fully customizable trip that can be extended as far as you want.
  • This tour works perfectly as an extension of any of our other trips or as a sole experience.

Day 0Arrive to Bogotá DC

Upon arrival in Bogota, our guide will pick you up at the airport and will drive you to the hotel. We will have a welcome dinner and will go through the most relevant information on the trip.

Night in Bogotá. 2600 m. 15°C

Day 1Chicaque reserve - flight to Inírida

Overview: The Chicaque reserve is one of the most well-known reserves of the Bogotá area. It protects a good forest portion between the edge of the Bogotá Sabana and the foothills of the west slope in Eastern Andes. Here we will have our first birding along the trails of this reserve starting in the main entrance where hummingbird feeders attract some interesting species and doing the first and last section for the remaining specialties. Because of the limited time this day, we will go for the main targets and leave the place for our afternoon flight to Inírida.

Night in Inírida, 90 m. 25°C

Target species

  • (Ne) Golden-bellied Starfrontlet
  • (E) Black Inca
  • (E) Moustached Brush-finch
  • Geoffroy´s Wedgebill
  • Andean Pygmy-owl
  • Moustached Puffbird
  • Ash-colored Tapaculo
  • Tyrannine Woodcreeper
  • Ash-browed Spinetail

Day 2Inírida: Caño Culebra trail

This region located in the east corner of the country, is part of the Guianan shield region in northern Southamerica, the oldest geologic place on earth. The high diversity of ecosystems, make of Inirida a megadiverse hotspot of biodiversity. The impressive geologic formations of the Guianan shield, the Tepuyes, and huge monoliths, and the amazing landscape of the Inirida river running through pristine forest, make of this place, on of the most beautiful landscapes of Colombia.

Caño Culebra trail: Our first official location in Inírida is the Caño Culebra trail located south of town. Here we will look for our first white-sand forest specialists.

Night in Inírida, 90 m. 25°C

Target species

  • Spix´s guan
  • Pompadour Cotinga
  • Chestnut Woodpecker
  • Black Caracara
  • Common Scale-backed Antbird
  • Cherrie´s Antwren
  • Black manakin
  • Rufous-crowned Elaenia
  • Red-shouldered Tanager
  • Pale-bellied Mourner
  • Green-tailed Goldenthroat
  • Amethyst Woodstar
  • Spotted Puffbird
  • Brown, Bronzy and Paradise Jacamars
  • Ivory-billed Aracari
  • Orinoco and Golden-Spangled Piculet
  • Ringed Woodpecker
  • Amazonian Streaked Antwren
  • Imeri Warbling Antbird

Day 3 Inírida: Caño Carbón - Sabanitas

These two locations are considered some of the best in the region. Here we will explore natural white-sand Savannah, White-sand forest, and Varzea forests.

Night in Inírida, 90 m. 25°C

Target species

    • Capuchinbird
    • Yapacana Antbird
    • Orinoco Softtail
    • Paradise Jacamar
    • Amazonian Momot
    • Scale-Breasted Woodpecker
    • Spot-backed Antwren
    • Cherrie’s Antwren
    • Imeri Warbling Antbird
    • Olivaceus Woodcreeper
    • Brown-banded Puffbird
    • White-bearded, Straight-billed, and Black-throated Hermits
    • Black-bellied Thorntail
    • Chestnut-capped, and Collared Puffbirds
    • Orinoco Piculet
    • Red-necked Woodpecker
    • Dusky-billed Parrotlet
    • Yellow-crowned Manakin
    • Plum-throated Cotinga

Day 4Inírida: Matraca Trail - El Paujil trail

These two localities are mostly Varzea forest, which means they experience seasonal flooding with water levels fluctuating more than 10 meters.

Night in Inírida, 90 m. 25°C

Target species

  • Rose-Breasted Chat
  • Blue-crowned Trogon
  • Green-tailed Jacamar
  • Orinoco Softtail
  • Black-spotted Bare-eye
  • Dot-winged Antshrike
  • Varzea Schiffornis
  • Long-billed Woodcreeper
  • Bare-necked Fruitcrow
  • Olive Oropendola
  • Festive Coquette
  • White-eared Jacamar
  • Lettered and Ivory-billed Aracari
  • Scarlet-shouldered Parrotlet
  • Rufous-capped Antthrush
  • Curve-billed Scythebill
  • Saffron-crested Tyrant-Manakin
  • Pink-Throated Becard

Day 5Inírida: Mavicure hills and Remanso Community

This is one of the top scenery places of the region, the Mavicure hills are a set of three monoliths mountains raising over the amazonian forest. Views from here are unforgettable.

Night in Inírida, 90 m. 25°C

Target species

  • Golden-green Woodpecker
  • Sand-colored Nighthawk
  • Amazonian Umbrellabird
  • Cliff Flycatcher
  • Riverside Tyrant
  • Plain-crested Elaenia
  • Spangled Cotinga
  • Orange-breasted Falcon
  • Black Skimmer
  • Orinoco Softtail
  • Curve-billed Scythebill
  • Pompadour Cotinga
  • Short-tailed Pygmy-tyrant
  • Black-collared Swallow
  • Plumbeous Euphonia
  • Yellow-green Grosbeak

Day 6Inírida: Rincón Vitina community

The Rincón Vitina indigenous community is another great spot very close to the town of Inírida and easily accessible by car. On the way to it, there are several stops with lots of specialties. The ecosystems this day will include some open and semi-open areas, White-sand forest, natural savannah, and Terra firme forest.

Night in Inírida, 90 m. 25°C

Target species

  • White- naped Seedeater
  • Yapacana Antbird
  • Purple-breasted Cotinga
  • Green-tailed Goldenthroat
  • Wedge-tailed Grass-Finch
  • White-chinned Sapphire
  • Brown Jacamar
  • Rufous-tailed Flatbill
  • White-eyed Tody-Tyrant
  • Pompadour Cotinga
  • Green-backed Trogon
  • Brown-banded and Spotted Puffbirds
  • Black, Yellow-crowned, Striolated, and White-crowned Manakins
  • Pompadour Cotinga
  • Cinnamon Manakin-tyrant

Day 7Cleaning morning

This morning will be used to clean species that we would have lost in the previous days or for visiting an extra/previous spot.

In the afternoon we will have our flight to Bogotá for the end of the trip or to continue with another route. This trip links very well with the Los Llanos Orientales birding trip, the Mid-Magdalena Valley birding trip, and any of our Andean birding routes.


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